Understanding your funding options

Your Funding Options

We accept residents who are self-funding and also state-funded (e.g. local authority funded residents and NHS funded residents) provided the full cost of the placement is met. We recommend you read our Frequently Asked Questions and Terms and Conditions.

Fees and charges - Long and short-term placements

Weekly fees

Residential care: from £1250 per week

Nursing care: from £1350 plus FNC per week


These fees are for guidance only and are subject to an individual care needs pre-admission assessment to fully understand the level of care and support required. Placements are costed in accordance with the needs of the resident, rather than type of bedroom.


Where the NHS is providing a Funded Nursing Care Contribution this is not included in the prices above.

What’s included

The following items and services are included in and covered by your weekly fees:


  • assistance with care in accordance with your pre-admission assessment
  • accommodation in a room at the Home
  • meals including snacks and drinks
  • housekeeping and laundry (excluding hand washing and dry cleaning)
  • linen and towels as may be required whilst you are at our Home
  • basic soap and shampoo (other toiletries or different soaps and shampoos to those provided will need to be purchased separately by you)
  • activities examples of which can be viewed here


Please note, the weekly fee does not include hairdressing, chiropody, toiletries other than basic soap and shampoo, personal newspapers or magazines, any telephone set up desired or related charges, any over the counter medications that a GP wouldn’t normally prescribe such as paracetamol and remedies for indigestion relief, and any other privately arranged healthcare.


Further, we would usually expect a resident’s family to accompany a resident on outings or visits (e.g. appointments or hospital), but should accompaniment be organised by us, there we will be an hourly accompaniment fee.

Costs of additional services

Haircut: From £9

Haircut and tint:  From £40

Chiropody: £16

Carer accompaniment: £21.20 per hour

Personal copies of newspapers: Cost dependent on newspaper requested and ease of sourcing


We will require a float to pay for the above services or products in advance of receipt of the service or product.


Where you require another service or product, please let us know so we can discuss whether it will be possible for us to source it and, where we agree to source it, any associated fee. Whilst we will endeavour to help where possible we will not be obliged to make available any product or service not referred to in the contract.


Services currently provided free of charge to you by the UK National Health Service or by any other party (for which we will not make any charge whilst they remain free of charge):


  • Care Homes Assessment and Treatment Team
  • GP
  • London Ambulance Service
  • London Fire Brigade
  • Optician
  • Dentistry
  • Dial-a-ride (if you meet the criteria)
  • Other NHS healthcare services


Availability of these additional services and products is outside our control and subject to your entitlement and the availability of the relevant providers.

Important financial information before admission

Evidence of funds

If you are self-funding, for long-term placements, we will ask you to provide evidence of your ability to pay at least two years’ worth of fees. If you do not have sufficient funds for two years, you must inform us as soon as possible and in any event before agreeing to the placement, so we can discuss your options including the process and timeline for any application for local authority funding that may be required.


If you will receive funding support, the funding authority will need to approve all placements before they can start. A placement cannot be confirmed until written confirmation of full funding is received.

Payment of fees

Long-term placements:

For long-term placements, the first payment equivalent to 4 weeks is paid before the admission. This payment will be four weeks of the following (where applicable to you):


  • Self-funding weekly fee
  • Top-up where agreed (only applicable to wholly or partly local authority funded placements)
  • Client Contribution where the local authority requires you pay this directly to the home (only applicable to wholly or partly local authority funded placements)
  • Lifestyle contribution (only applicable to continuing healthcare placements)


We will also require the float payment for additional services before admission can occur.


Short-term placements:

Usually respite periods are up to a maximum of four weeks and the full cost of the placement is paid before the admission, including any float payment. 


If after admission you would like the placement to be extended, the manager will let you know if this is possible. If the placement is extended, the full cost of the first four weeks of any extension (or the full cost of the entire extension if the extension is less than four weeks) must be cleared in our account before the extension can be agreed.


Should you wish to have a longer respite period from the outset, say of 10 weeks, this may be able to be arranged upon discussion with the manager. The first payment equivalent to 4 weeks is paid before the admission can occur; thereafter payment of fees will be 4 weekly and payments will be due in advance at least 3 days before the next 4 week period begins. 

Fees and charges - Day Care Services

Our services and fees

We accept day guests who are self-funded and also state-funded (e.g. local authority funded). We recommend you read our Frequently Asked Questions and Terms and Conditions.


Day Care Services: We offer two Day Care Services 

  • Our Snowdrop service starts from £67 per visit
  • Our Daffodil service starts from £93 per visit


These fees are for guidance only and are subject to an individual care needs pre-admission assessment to fully understand the level of care and support required.

What’s included

The following items and services are included in and covered by your daily fees:


  • assistance with care in accordance with your care needs assessment
  • meals including snacks and drinks
  • activities examples of which can be viewed here


Please note, the daily fee does not include any additional services agreed such as hairdressing and chiropody. For additional information about our services click here

Costs of additional services

Haircut:  From £9

Haircut and tint: From £40

Chiropody: £16

Carer accompaniment: £21.20 per hour


We will require a float to pay for the above services or products in advance of receipt of the service or product.

Payment structure

Payment for Day Care is made in advance of attendance. 


To confirm your day care place, we will ask you to provide:


  • Advance payment of fees in accordance with your payment structure.
  • Float for additional services should you wish to have these.


If you receive funding support, the funding authority will need to approve all day care services before they can start. Day Care Services cannot be confirmed until written confirmation of full funding is received.